Letter from the foreign grave
Letter from the foreign grave is included in the curriculum of Communication Technique at Pokhara University for all bachelor of Engineering programs.
This poem is written by D.B Gurung. It highlights the lamentation of Gurkha soldiers who are killed in a foreign land. The speaker in the poem sends his mother a message not to weep for him
regretting that he could not do anything for her and his motherland.
Every year, hundreds of Nepalese young men Join a foreign army. They are famous worldwide for their fearlessness in war. They scare their enemies with "khukuri" and have taken part in many war fronts like Burma, Ladakh, NEFA, Malaya, Kargil, Germany, Italy
Tunisia, Afghanistan etc. Many youths dream of joining foreign army. However, there is a dark side to being a “Lahure”.
The poem is a letter written by a dead son from a foreign grave to his mother in Nepal. It depicted the reality of a “Gorkhali" British soldier in a foreign land. It requests us not to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others.
In the poem, the son asks his mother not to be sad in his absence because he is fine in the valley
of shadows and he is free from all misery. He is resting in peace and harmony. His flesh that was smooth has turned into dust. He still clearly remembers the painful moment of his departure when the
black clouds over the valley and his dog "pangery" wagging its tail, were clearly predicting that it was his final departure forever. He also remembers his mother's eyes full of tears and the blessing “to be always brave".
Now his fate is ruined. It is confined within a foreign grave because he is no more now. He is buried among his friends and enemies. They have everything in common there They live in total harmony in a common brotherhood. He asks his mother not to weep for him because his war is over and he has no danger of gunshots and shells.
He does not have to go to the front of the battlefield and shout the native expression "ayo gorkhali" which was used to frighten the enemy.
Finally, he asks his mother to forgive him for he couldn't make up for her milk but he sacrificed his life for the cause of others in a war of no glory. He regrets his mother's words to be brave" while leaving. his house is also kept, so he requests her not to weep for him but think about those who are still involved in wars.
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